OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I need this program ;_; LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT EVERYTHING THAT IT DOES. IT DOES SAI VECTOR TOOL AND AMAZING LINE THINGS THAT ARE SO USEFUL TO ARTISTS. ITS PAINTING LOOKS LIKE OPEN CANVAS AND IT HAS MIRROR IMAGE OPTIONS AHOIJFODUHPODSIJDPI FUCK YOU ALCHEMY!! SERIOUSLY ; - ; This program looks made for me. Just ugaoduhgfoudhghg. *cry sob cry* I'm so afraid to try the trial because I might not be able to live without it but if there is no English version I will shed tears :(
If this program can allow you to do better work than SAI, I'll have to make sure I'm sitting down when I see what you create with it. I mean, swooning is dangerous when standing up, y'know? :)
DO WANT. O_O; IT'S LIKE SAI BUT GROWN UP. Holy crackers, that auto-smoothing for if you make a wibbly line is genious. And the connecting lines. And erasing just by swiping part of it... >_>; And like everything. :c Unless they make an English patch like SAI did I doubt this will ever be in English...
Eeek that really does look amazing :o If there are any trail versions in english I might just give it a go myself :3
because you posted that on LJ, i have been thinking of that program ever since ;; . I need it in my life. I hope it will be available in English soon.
If this program can allow you to do better work than SAI, I'll have to make sure I'm sitting down when I see what you create with it. I mean, swooning is dangerous when standing up, y'know? :)
DO WANT. O_O; IT'S LIKE SAI BUT GROWN UP. Holy crackers, that auto-smoothing for if you make a wibbly line is genious. And the connecting lines. And erasing just by swiping part of it... >_>; And like everything. :c Unless they make an English patch like SAI did I doubt this will ever be in English...
The SAI translation website has a good thread on Illustudio going on if you'd like to know more.
I totally agree with you it's a dream soft must have epic level
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