Anyway I have been working on a site design. For a personal shop or maybe just a gallery for my cute art or maybe both? I dunno. I have no idea how people deal with taxes and paypal...I just don't understand it at all ;I
Here is a preview! Click on image to make it bigger!
Also here are more jewelry designs I'm working on! I hate the strawberry. I need to figure out how to make me like it.
And I want to see this with subtitles :0 ! ADORABLE ponies!
So Thursday my mom drove me to San Jose so I could visit my beloved daughter Aja and we hung out and had a glorious time! When I got there she got ready and we headed out to grab some lunch at La Victoria which has amazing orange sauce that you pour over whatever you eat and its delicious and omggg.
While we were waiting for out food at La Vics
Then we stopped at Mitsuwa market place to grab some snacks and drinks and looked inside Kinokuniya for a bit! They had lots of adorable things like stickers and Tiny toy food and chairs! Then we went back to her parents house and hung out for a bit.
AND THAT WAS WHEN I FORCED HER AGAINST HER WILL TO UNDRESS FOR ME. 80 I made her try on my clothes that I've sewn :3 Isn't she a cutie pie?
My dress. It needs little bows on the top near the boobs because my teacher made me sew it wrong xD but it looks ok. Flower skirt Candy skirt :9 Waist clincher. I need to make it bigger! :3 But I think it looks really cute on her!
Then we left again and went to the mall when I MADE HER UNDRESS AGAIN 80 and I took more cute pics of her wearing Forever 21 clothes! DID I MENTION SHES ADORABLE?
Aghhh she is so cute ;__; I miss her so much. She is so wonderful. I love her personality and that we can just be ourselves and have fun and enjoy food and animals and doodle and share dumb stories with each other!
She bought me this Eye shadow brush while we were at Forever21 ISNT IT CUTE? Its pink :D It looks way better in person! I was too lazy to take pics of it!
Then we went out to eat at Rock bottom. I was sad they took my 2 favorite things off the menu but they still have my chocolate cheesecake! And after that we went back to her parents house and I told her scary UFO stories and she cried. >3
The next morning we rolled around with the dogs in bed and my favorite of the bunch Milo <-click gave me lots of hugs and kisses and play growled and rolled around and was just plain cute all over.
Around 3 I had to leave :( I will miss my baby daughterchans very much. I can't wait for us to go on another adventure!
ohhh lalalalalalala I ordered some Decora loose eye shadow from Sugarpill aka Shrinkle :D and got it in the mail yesterday so I dolled myself up and took pics!!!
First here is the box that it came in :) Such a cute kitty stamp! Amy is so nice and sent 2 stickers instead of one and ALSO SHE IS THE SWEETEST PERSON EVER. In general yes. This is true.
I love Lauren Shes such a cutiepie. She also has 2 kitties that look like my kitties :) hehe.
And JUST LOOK AT THE CUTE PACKAGING. ughhh I love the little heart hole ;o;
And such a cute little bottle too ;__;
Also this eye shadow is SUPER soft and creamy. I can't even feel it on my eyes :0 usually eye shadow sits on my eyes and feels super heavy and my eyes end up drying out. Even when I use primer. That just makes my eyes feel heavier x__o but yea this eye shadow is so light and soft I don't feel like I'm wearing make up at all!! I love it <333333333 br=""> HERE IS ME with some on.
And here is a close up of my eyeballs. Aren't my shades hip?
And one last one just because I love playing with my new camera xD
And here is the Cupcake queen. Queen of all cupcakes of course:
I hope you all have a lovely day regardless if you celebrate Valentines or not! :) I'm going out to eat at a new Italian place. I hope its good! I really like going out anyhow!
I bought a new camera from Office depot for 199. Its a Nikon coolpix L100! I've wanted a Nikon for a really long time :D I'm so happy with it! It takes really lovely photos and is easy to use! I love it so much! Its also really good at taking moving objects! I really needed to upgrade so I can take photos of clothes I make.
One of my hair bows:
My cat gnocchi ( I edited the color a bit)
One of my necklaces:
And a charm I got from my friend Mary:
You can find this and many other amazing things in her Etsy shop: Juliette wishes you a happy Valentines :)
I snagged some things from the last entry because it was hella cluttered and I wanted this one to look a little bigger :)
We went down last weekend to So cal because my bfs granny turned 100!! :D you can read about her and my boyfriends dad (larry coons) in this article: The end is so sweet :3 Shes the sweetest lady. Also my bf is one of the 13 great grand kids mentioned.
OHOH and!!! I got to work on a fantastic project recently with miss adorable Twinkie chan on her new upcoming line Yummy You :D I can't wait for it to come out so I can see everything!! ITS SO EXCITING!!
I've been getting ready for Fanime early because its in May and I want to be prepared! And god these KEYS. They're so amazing 8D I just want to eat them!!! So fat and awesome. And here is a little secret: zammie loves black jewelry. Its true.
And lots of roses!!
And here are charms I made that I might or might not make into acrylic jewerly. I'm not 100% happy with the designs. I liked the sketches but didn't like how the inks and colors came out...
Here are some lesbos: I always wanted to do a sexy lolita pic but never got around to it :3 yey!
So my friend finally found a place that makes lovely acrylic jewelry so hopefully sometime soon I will be able to make all my art into jewelry and things!! YEY so I've been getting sketches ready by resizing them so I can ink and color them. Also I really hope my computer doesn't explode on me while I make the file I need to send off to get this done..... :D
This last weekend I went to Socal and looked at this apartment I wanted. Here is their website: Its just an awesome website. I'm impressed with everything about it. I have to wait to see when they will have a one bedroom for 995 available tho. And I have no idea when that will be. But I want this apartment so bad. It was super nice. I loved how everything was placed in the room. Like how the bathroom is separated from the bedroom and the kitchen is open on both sides. The only downside is that there is no dishwasher or fridge. But they do rent out fridges for 20-30 dollars. Which is awesome to me! Anyway the area and complex were super lovely. Even better than the pictures they have on the site. The area around the complex is so pretty and clean too! AND AND its right RIGHTT by a mall I enjoy with delicious food, a bookstore, michaels craft store, petco, and they will be building a wholefoods. I MEAN SERIOUSLY. This place is made for me :I Its also really close to my bfs parents house which is populated by Japanese everything. So that means I can get my fill of Calpico and Kappo Honda.
Speaking of Kappo Honda! They don't have a website but they are so fucking good. Everything always tastes fresh and I'm never disappointed.
I tried the Kimchi pork: It is SO good :I
And also their sushi is just the best sushi I have ever had. It just melts in your mouth. And the flavor is so mild and refreshing. Its SO GOOD.
And they also have the best boneless fried chicken ever too :I I wish I knew how to make it.
My boyfriend tried the tongue xD
and pork belly: tho this is good to me.
And he got some spicy chicken wings and chicken skin.
And some pretty Mochi.
And while we were down we also managed to catch the Kogi BBQ taco truck! WHICH IS AMAZING BTW. I have never eaten a taco this delicious D: I want more so badly. And 2 dollar tacos come on!!! I can't even describe to you how good it was. It was sweet and spicy and just CONSUMED my mouth with flavors!!!!! It made Chipotle look like ass D: Here is there site: Look at the menu. DOESNT EVERYTHING LOOK SO GOOD? ;___; I had the pork tacos and the black jack quesadilla. The tacos were the best part tho. As soon as I bit into them I was in flavor country. So yes if you live near LA or Orange county try to catch it! They are so yummy.
Here is a picture of My bfs cat back at home: You couldn't tell by this picture but shes evil >_>
And here are a couple designs I'm working on :3 I might do a couple more edits. Or not. We'll see!
I want to say thank you to everyone thats nice enough to leave me comments on this blog!! xoxoxoxoxo Zambi loves you!
And I also got more stuff in the mail! I bought this really pretty ring case/box for Fanime and I put all the rings I have right now in it to see what it looks like! Its so pretty! I also like how I can keep it closed and still have people see the rings but they won't get their greasy hands all over them!
And here are stickers I might pass out with every sold thing at Fanime. I put my blog and etsy and twitter on it. I really like how it came out but the colors are all fucked up because my printer doesn't like pink. I ordered this pic from EZprints so when they come in hopefully the pink colors won't look like crap! And if thats the case then I will order a bunch more instead of using my own printer but I dunno! I don't think it matters too much when it comes to free stickers. Anyways!
I also have this cork board that I used at Fanime a couple years ago. It served its purpose but I had upgraded since. Well I thought about using it again and bought a little stand for it this time to hold it up!
Anyway this is what the cork board looks like now! I painted the edges white and put deco tape all around it :) And I bought some white cardboard? or something and cut it out and placed it in the middle.
And here is a commission I did that I'm happy with :D