So the day I got there we went and got Chipotle. And chatted it up pretty hard core. Then we went to a fucking huge mall! Tons of fancy expensive stores!
They had a Betsey Johnson store :D so I looked at all the pretty. I like the dress in the window!

Then I went to Sephora to see how much bare mineral primer was and then accidentally walked out with it and didn't notice until we were half way to the car! oh me!
Thennnn we hit up another mall and THEY HAD A CONTAINER STORE. Ohhh how I've missed the container store!!! I found this adorable ring box that looks like a shopping bag :D SO CUTE

I don't know what store we were in but they had a lot of pretty decor! I snapped a pic of this awesome chandelier!

Look at my cutie!

We got some Karas cupcakes but mine sucked. I got a lemon one but it was filled with like the lemon in lemon meringue pie. So gross! But cute.

I texted lovely miss Sparklystephiee and she told me some yummy places to eat in San jose :3 I was soooo grateful because the place we tried was wonderful! She is food mistress and she delivers!!!
Its called Tanto and Its an Izayaka :9 Just like Kappo Honda!
Aja got this pork thing we were thinking was going to be like breaded pork but NO it was DEEP FRIED BACON! It was sinful...I'm going to hell for eating it....

and I got some sushi because I always need my sushi! The mayo on top almost tasted like nacho cheese haha! But it was still delicious.

And we also got some kimchee with rice. No idea it was going to be so huge! But it was sooooo good.

Then at night I forced Aja to get naked and dress up for me ):U
My lil Loli

Shes so cuteeeee!
Then we snuggled up and watched El Dorado and fell asleep. One of my fave movies!
Then the next day we went to Mitsuwa marketplace and snagged some Melon soda so we could have some fun drinky times. I went to Kinokuniya to see if they had any new Cutie interior issues but no :( Thats ok!
We found this ice cream place that had CORN AND CHEESE flavor! They also have avacado, Durian, Horchata and other weird stuff! I tried the Durian and corn and cheese XD the corn and cheese just kinda tasted like creamed corn? And the Durian was just nasty XD I was expecting it to! But just EWwwwwww I got a less offensive flavor and got oatmeal cookie!
For dinner we got Antonellas and I got this delicious steak thing >_> COVERED in gorgonzola. Usually when people have a steak dish with gorgonzola on top its like little sprinkles but the cheese was invading my meat! And it was SO great! I couldn't eat the potatoes tho because they were too garlicyyyy

Then we watched The secret of Kells which I thought was really pretty and stylish. I enjoyed all the characters and the movie in general but hated the ending. It felt really anti-climatic and empty. But you guys should all see it anyway!
Here is the trailer:
And then a link to the movie:
oh and this thing is neat to look at!
Later that night we had some drinky time and hilarious things happened. But I can't give you the details for they are secret and could shame Aja for the rest of her life~! (notrlybutitwashilarious)
More cute Aja pics! I dolled her up in Sugarpill but you can't see it very well in the images!

The next day we lazed around and got up at 4 to drive at get some dinner! We tried another Izakaya that my bf was showing me on Yelp the night before. It wasn't as good as Tanto but the inside was ADORABLE. It was also I'd rather go back to Tanto! But it was still pretty good.
They made you take off your shoes :D and I love that the floor had holes for your feet to go down into!

We got a Kimchee pizza with mushrooms and then another one with Miso and mushrooms. I took some home for my bf because he had to sit at home sick and miss out on our delicious adventures!

And we also got this pork thing with asparagus? It was ok...but the brown sauce under it was GOOOOdddd

Then we made cupcakes :D I've always wanted to make cupcakes with my girl friends! They aren't that impressive but I had fun! I loved making them!
Blood cupcake batter!


And then the next morning I said goodbye to Aja and Milo.

And I saw Inception which was fun and I enjoyed it but I didn't think it was the most amazing thing ever. I loved all the characters and the story! And also how do people come up with shit like this? So many ideas all in one movie. Pretty impressive.