So I found this site ages ago and forgotten all about it. It was in my bookmarks on my other computer. I've been using it because my normal computer has evil malware and I'm going to have to reformat. It will just not get the fuck off. I'm not asking for suggestions on what programs to use but thanks anyway.
So anyways~ Yesterday I put together these outfits on the site. Its so much fun to do. I like to pretend I own these. I'm too cheap to buy a lot of clothes. I usually only buy 2 pieces of clothing a year. Yeah. So this site lets you put together real outfits and tells you where they are from and how much they are. You can search by color and price. Its really neat!
These are my outfits :) I wouldn't necessarily wear everything I picked but I like a lot of it!
Small blog post! Just to show off my new little friends :D You've probably already seen them if you have me added on DA or twitter. I like seeing them all together. I want to put them on things *3* I wish zazzle and cafepress weren't so expensive! Then people could afford to buy my crap! But I do plan on making cheap jewelry if a friend of mine can find a good acrylic place! And by cheap I mean inexpensive not isn't well made 8D
And then I also have this pic which is a different version to the one I uploaded on DA.
Then I drew a lady. I'm really in love with this color combo. I can't help it. I see something I ink and no other colors look right to me anymore. I now live in an obnoxious bright colored world!
And I completely forgot I wanted to decorate ring boxes with DECO TAPE. Its the prettiest tape you ever did see. So I went around looking for the perfect kind on Etsy.
I'm really excited to use these! And I also bought a cheap circle cutter so I can make my own custom stickers to give away with purchases at Fanime. The ones they have at Michaels are 44 dollars and I got mine for under 20 on! yey.
Well my friend Acrylicana and the lovely Miss Kika MIGHT POSSIBLY get a booth next year at Fanime inside the dealers room. We're still not 100 percent positive because the Booth is about 600 something and we have to pay BEFORE Dec 31st of this year. Well the whole idea has gotten me so excited that I've been shopping around for display cases and other things to buy for it. I imagine our booth being a GRAND shiny colorful sparkling awesome pink cute booth *___* So anyway!!
I really really want to have the prettiest boxes and bags to give people with their product. I also really want to make some acrylic designs to take also so I feel the stuff is ME ME ME. Here is one design I am pretty happy with! Still not sure on how to color it. I've tried a couple of things and didn't like anything. and I've shown off these doodles in my livejournal but I'd like to ink these too. Not the bunnys tho. But I love the Little red riding hood and Alice. I want them to be necklaces!
So these boxes are just lovely and not TOO expensive BUT that always means I have to charge people more. Hopefully people are willing to spend a little more in the dealers room more than they would in the artist alley. And they'd get such cute boxes!!!!!And I want to sew little baggies like this myself to make it way cheaper and pick out some fabulous fabric.I really want these :D I probably won't use the heart but I thought about spray painting it pink. And the display case for rings is so perfect because you can keep in closed and still see whats inside!!! And I also sketched out some ideas for what the stuff at my booth will look like. Even if I don't get a booth I'll use this at my table for Fanime!
And I'm not sure if I'll use this or not. But they would be little cards that earrings would go on. The problem I'm having is I'd have to make sure they're smaller than the box I send them in? And I don't want to order too many box sizes. Money money. So yeah :D
I keep getting busy and my poor blog keeps getting neglected! Well here is a Juliette I sketched up while livestreaming :3 Then I finished It yesterday.
And my Iris who is my version of Alice in Alice in wonderland. I was not inspired by the new movie or a book or a series of books or by princess Ai 8I I created her before knowing anything about any wonderland thing. I also don't really LIKE alice in wonderland but I thought American Mcgees dark version was cool. I think dark versions of fairy tales, books etc are neat! So that is how this was born.
My iris is evil. And it is very loosely based on wonderland in general. My Iris used to be sweet and loveling untill power consumed her and now shes trying to battle the queen of hearts so she can rule wonderland. I still have to draw her younger innocent side but one day I will. She used to be best friends with Lilith (my queen of hearts) was in love with the Mad hatter (who I also have to draw)
I would love to make her comic :( But my skills are very limited
I had a really good drawing day yesterday! The computer I work on keeps getting viruses and malware so I had to scan the thing all day to get rid of everything :( So while that was going on I livestreamed and this is one of the things I did :)
Plus a Juliette that was supposed to be for Halloween but I got home late and was too tired to make a blog post! It looks like shes walking on the wall xD But I don't care. Its finished!