Friday, October 3, 2014

Sketchbook giveaway

Hey guys want to win one of my sketchbooks? To enter use the rafflecopter widget below! Each thing counts for 1 entry so you can have up to 5 entires total! (doing the Tumblr entry counts as 5 entries!) I screen comments so if it doesn't show up immediately its because I have to approve them first :)

Here are samples of the pages that come inside my sketchbook:

If you would like to buy one after the giveaway (or right now) you can order one through my shop: Each order comes with a random marker drawing! (I also always throw in free goodies so)

The giveaway will not come with a drawing! Its just for the sketchbook itself!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mooncrisis part 2

So last weekend was the second opening for 
Mooncrisis! There was free Pocky and a cute masquerade. I managed to take my camera this time so here we go!

My pieces:
Moony Unis and Moon Crystal power
Bye chu

My friend did these gorgeous matching pieces:
 Vision of the Moon - Love and Vision of the Moon - Fight by Kristen Van Dam
My friend Stephanie did a gorgeous black lady:
Black Lady by Stephanie Kao

My pal Ashleigh did this SUPER pretty Eternal Sailor Moon (so in love with the happy colors) :
 In The Name of the Moon by Ashleigh "PY" Hetrick
Barachans pieces were incredible:
Little Dreams
Rudy Fig painted a beautiful Chibiusa (it glows in the dark!!!):
Eat cake in the name of the moon
I'm honestly floored by the detail in the hair on this piece by Tami:
 I Remember You by Tammy Street (Tamisery)
Really awesome vending machine piece:
 Love Machine by Jamie Meckel Tablason

It lights up! I wish I had a pic of that! Can you imagine how cool it would be to have this in your home?

Really cool punk sailor babes:
Moon Bitches 1-4 by Greg De Stefano

Miss Kikas perfect Chibiusa piece:
Pink Sugar Dreams
Super lovely piece by Aimee:
Usagi in Sakura by Aimee Steinberger
Aimees marker work is so good. Its so soft and elegant! The gold is so pretty!
Siames Escalantes gorgeous piece:
Luz De Luna by Siamés Escalante

Here are some cute cosplays:
Luna and Artemis:
Love the lace sooo much!!
The cutest Chibiusa:
Her buns were perfect!
Also here are some table photos:
My table and my friend Liz pretending to be me hehe:

I forgot to take a pic of her wonderful dress so I stole this photo from her Instagram:
(Also you should visit her Etsy because she made this dress herself and its amazing and you should buy things from her ok)

Miss Kika looking like a pretty princess:

Her lovely items for sale:

Her beautiful silk screen print of Usagi:

Look at this cute kitty she had at her table!

She had a really cute decorative cube thingy with a ton of stickers and had some of mine on it! ;0; (mines the unicorn with pink,blue and purple hair~

Barachan had her stuff for sale right next to me:

Her cute table sign:

Rose's friend Tuan was selling for her. Isn't he pretty? He was a super sweet and funny table neighbor. Made the night fly by because I had so much fun chatting and joking with him.

Well I HAD to get some of her delicious items ;3;

Beautiful prints:
Her sketchbook + a pretty book mark:
I saw the Usagi sketch on her Instagram and it was my favorite and I'm so happy I got it!!!

Got a chance to stop at Kinokuniya and bought ridiculous things!!!!

Sunny day and twin tails book. A photo book that consists of girls in this hair style: 
(its too cute I...)

And a hamster butt book:

You never realize how cute hams butts are until you see a book full of ham butts.

Ok butt Anyway! I had a really lovely time. Thank you Liz for driving us down! And if anyone wants me to change or add any links for you I don't mind at all! Just let me know :) I'll be happy to take any images down too if you don't like something. AND let me know if you want a bigger version of any of these photos.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Oh hi susiepie!!

Recently my friend sent me a care package with so much adorable that I shed some bright pink Zambi tears. (Very rare) 

I met Susan briefly at Fanime several years ago when she was passing by my table and I complimented her gorgeous hair. When I saw her again a year later? she was sweet enough to let me have one of her adorable hats (sadly she no longer makes them) at a discount. I try to never forget kindness offered to me. And since then I've stalked her on Instagram: and Tumblr: 

You should also check out her Etsy page: Her photos are so professional and I'm dying to buy one of her brooch babes. LIKE THEY'RE SUPER CUTE RIGHT? Shes really good at matching colors too. Mine eyes are so happy.

Lately shes been posting so much beautiful work and I NEED to share it with you! LET ME TELL YOU about how inspired I am whenever she posts something. Shes incredibly good at shapes and her faces are so adorable. Plus shes a marker queen!
Here are samples of her work:

 (I love these studies omg)

 (I mean ok seriously. I'm so in love with Susan. Have all my art babies)
 And these are the things she sent me in her care package!

She even drew on the package ;o;

My naughty drawing tried to escape D:

She sent me make up uhmm can this be a thing? Sending me make up? I'll take it. Thank. I LOVE NYX btw! THANK YOU. I can't wait to try the mascara *_*

And she also sent this ADORABLE bat brooch!!

And a Hello Kitty necklace that looks like candy :Q...

She sent these things inside cute little bags too! ahhhh

But my FAVORITE THING EVER is this drawing she did of me I MEAN COME ONNnnn the blending in the hair is so magnificent. I can't get over MARKER SKILLS. Ughhhh Its soo good! My camera doesn't do it justice!!!

She also sent me the sweetest letter I have ever gotten and it makes me SO HAPPY when people are as kind as Susie is. So please smother her with love and compliments!! xoxoxo

Anyway I hope you check out her work and stalk her everywhere because you need more cute art in your life. Right? Right. Also its Zammie approved sooo